August 8, 2010

Excerpts from "A Letter to a Friend"

Dearest Friend,

Your message absolutely meant so much to me. Thank you, Sweet Girl. What you said is what I needed to hear. Not for confirmation, but because as a parent, you often second guess your self. Raising kids is not easy, but if you truly use God's word, and bits and pieces of your childhood that were positive, than you will be alright.

We are trying to teach our Babies about simplicity and what is truly important. I have been told before that we shelter our children to much because there are some things that we don't let them do. Of course, we let them have fun and experience things, because they are kids, but many things are not worth it. Candy and TV? Not important. Fresh air nature, and learning about growing our own food? Important. (So, maybe I am a hippie. I've been called that all my life.) My kids are social butterflies and have many friends because we have taught them the importance of people and relationships. Love, manners, creativity, imagination, helping others, prayer, and laughter matter so much.

Another thing we stress is taking care of our own. We are teaching them that as siblings, they need each other and that they will always need to protect each other. We, as parents, won't be here forever, and they will remain. They are best of friends and he protects her. I will tell you some stories sometime about his sister protection. It's funny and amazing. Hayden fully understands the concept of "Ladies first, and she understands the concept of putting him first. It usually works out pretty well.

We are by no means perfect parents and our kids are by no means perfect. They get disciplined. We are old fashioned, I guess. They teach us a lot everyday. I guess what I've learned most is that you only get one shot with them. If they go into the world having been taught the right way, then they will succeed.

Having children, I have truly learned what it means to love until it hurts. I've always wondered if there is another Mommy in the world that loves their kids as much as I do. I don't think there is. OK, so I guess most Moms feels that way. Your heart aches everyday because your love for them is so strong. I've never been a sad or depressed person. I've had nothing to be sad or depressed about. The only depressing thing in my life is how fast my kids are growing everyday. But, on the other hand, I am so happy about how they have turned out so far. We are so proud of them. We work so hard everyday to teach them the right way. I hope it sticks with them. Every night when I lay down, I try to think about what positive thing I have taught them that day. I remember being their ages very vividly, so I hope they remember positive events and experiences even now at their sweet, young ages.

All My Love,
