September 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, Hayden!

Happy 3rd Birthday, Sweet Boy!

Love, Mom


September 11, 2008

A Letter To A Friend


I am honored to have been selected to create a piece for the sweet daughter of one of my oldest and dearest friends. The request was given to ponder and to create a story about an event in your life that has affected you in some positive way or form. An event in which you would consider life affirming or something that stands out to you. In my story, I have chosen not to write about one certain event, but about the lessons that I have learned and carried with me.

The childhood that I was lucky enough to endure was a wondrous event in itself. The home and family that I was blessed to be born into could not be topped. I was born the third child of a music teacher and a funeral director. What an unbelievable combination. This amazing union, little to my knowledge at the time, would lead to many interesting and life altering, to say the least, experiences in my life. My angel of a Mother found music and song in any given situation on any given day, and my amazing Father was always prepared, at any given moment, for the inevitable. What ever occurred in your life, you were to be completely ready, while singing a joyous song. This, I have carried with me through the years.

In every single memory that I can recall, fun and laughter is present. I was taught at a very young age to find the good and positive in every situation, even if it meant having to search. Of course, we all go through events that do not reflect positivity and that even possibly, we would just as soon forget. Even these events can have a positive side, and a “light at the end of the tunnel.” I pray that I can raise my children the way that I was raised.

My childhood took place in a conservative Christian home where bad attitudes and bad behavior were not tolerated. If a “crime was committed” and nobody confessed, we were all lined up and punished. Talk about equality! If we acted up in the grocery store, we left, with the cart full of groceries left standing in the aisle. My parents meant business and didn’t play around when it came to our rearing. They knew how they wanted to raise us and they took every measure possible to make that happen. They were not at all mean; they had been there years before. Once again, I try to raise my Babies the way I was raised. Just as every other situation, we now look back and see the humor in our rearing.

You see, I come from a rather large family where each individual counts and where everyone is welcome. Nobody is ever excluded or left out and everybody has a place. Doors are always open and ears are always ready to hear. A warm smile and open arms never fail to greet you. Even to this day when it comes time to give opinions, we all speak and respect those who were speaking. I was taught from the time I was small that everybody is equal and just because you may not be blood related, you still can be family. I have siblings, as well as cousins who are adopted. We had several foreign exchange students, who to this day, remain as family to us. When I think back on holidays and festivities that we joined in rarely was it just us. It always seemed that there were close friends and other relatives around. Maybe that is why I feel comfortable with the “come one come all” and the “more the merrier” mentality. I grew up in a family that loved and still loves people. In the Bible, God commands us to love one another. There are many ways in which we can love. I try to think every night when I lay down, about the day and how I might have shown somebody love that day, weather it be a complete stranger or a family member.

I would like to share with you a few thoughts about my childhood. These several statements are things that I recall being taught sometime in my life, either by being told, or by experience.

Family comes first. You need them and they need you. Stand up for what you believe in, for who you are and for where you came from. Own up to what you have done wrong. Consequences aren’t always fun, but they are needed for us to learn lessons and to grow. Help someone everyday. Even the smallest gesture could be the difference for another. Hold someone accountable, it will help you. Sit in the sun a little everyday (even when it’s cold.) Don’t waste food. There really are hungry people close by. Remember details about events, they will come in handy. Always put a date on the back of pictures, cards and papers. If you don’t you are sure to forget not only the date, but the details of the event. Always listen to other people’s opinions, they might have a point. Prayer was not meant just for meal time and bed time. Prayer should be all day long, every minute, even for the littlest things. There is nothing purer than rainwater; I hope you step out into it every chance you get. If you have used clothes that are not tattered, give them away, don’t toss them. If it can be worn or used, somebody will love it. Always accept these types of gifts from others. That person you see at school that is always standing alone? Go say, “Hello.” They might just become your best friend. Don’t judge others. They can judge you just as harshly. Learn to swim. No matter where you go in life, water will be around. You honestly can’t avoid it. A guilty conscience is a good and safe thing. Speak often of the deceased, but only using kind and gentle words. Talking about them will keep memories fresh. You’re going to get lost at some point; it will be good for you, as long as you find your way back. Plant a garden of vegetables, fruit or flowers. It is truly amazing to watch something grow from just a tiny seed into something consumable and beautiful. It’s true; if you exercise you sleep better. Keep a piggy bank; even when you get old. Every penny counts. The generations above us truly do know what they are talking about! Listen to them well. Travel any chance you get, even if it’s a place you are not at all interested in. It may become your next home. When a child cries, pay attention, they may be telling you something you need to hear. ALWAYS follow your intuitions; NEVER ignore them. Watch a birth, animal or human; really. I promise that it will amaze you and change your life forever. History really does repeat itself, so, make the future positive. Carry baby wipes with you at all times. They come in handy in the weirdest ways. If you lie, you WILL get caught. Sing everyday; even if you can’t carry a tune. Singing is so good for the soul. Never, ever wear undergarments with holes in them. When you do, it’s inevitable; someone will see them, somehow. Always lock your doors, for some people don’t care about boundaries and personal space. Respect others. Keep in mind, we did not all come from the same place, nor are we going the same direction. Respect these different places and directions. Most importantly, we truly are the only Bible some people will ever read.

My Sweet Girl,

I’ve never met you, but I see your Mom when I look at your picture and see your gentle, sincere smile. Your mother is such a beautiful soul, so full of life and all that is good. Stay close by her side; she will teach you what you need to know. Your Mom has seen a lot. She understands life and what it has to offer. She truly is a woman of God. Her example is priceless.

I first met your Mom when we were little kids. We spent many wonderful hours together as close friends. We share many wonderful memories and a love for Davy Jones. The last time I saw her was in the fourth grade after the birthday party of a mutual friend. We had all spent the night at the party, staying right beside each other the entire time, and we were all dropped off at our respectable houses the following morning. I knew she was moving and I cried and so did she. As the van pulled out of the drive, I saw her looking at me through the back window. I knew I would see her again someday. Close friends like us never truly lose touch. We kept in touch on and off through the years, and then eventually lost touch. I tried desperately to find her around 2000, to no avail. Recently, she found me! Ecstatic! When I heard her voice across the wire, it was like I had just talked to her this morning, in voice and in tone. I know it will be this way for a lifetime.

You are so young and you have such a happy, exciting and wonderful life ahead of you. Take every opportunity that comes your way. Fill everyday with things that will challenge your mind and body and soul. Stay strong and courageous, and be faithful to God, yourself, and your friends and family. When you lay down your head at night, after you say your prayers, I hope you fall asleep fast and sleep hard because of a clear conscience and because you stayed active all day long. It’s idleness that gives us trouble.

Best Wishes.



September 9, 2008

The Nug


Just a thought.....

Did anybody happen to catch Ted Nugent interviewed on Bill O'Reilly last Friday night? This afternoon late, I caught a little of Spirit Of The Wild while he was talking. What a standup guy. True conservative, republican, red blooded American! Why can't people like him (or Bill himself, or Glenn Beck) run for president? I guess they are smarter than that. Just had to throw that out there.
Here are a few pictures. Sorry the date is wrong.

Black Beans Anyone?

So Many Stickers
Outside At Sunset

Outside at sunset again

September 3, 2008

Preschool Bound

Hayden began his educational carreer today. He took the walk that leads to preschool. He is now officially a WCP Butterfly! We had been positively discussing this venture for a long while now, and lately, I've been trying to talk myself out of letting him go. Well, today I placed my selfishness aside and chauffeured him onward. I saved the tears for the race out the door and he never knew. Oh, the love of big, dark shades (thanks for the hug, Ally!) He was excited about going to see "his kids" and he pranced in like he had been a student there since birth. The director stated at pickup that everytime she saw him, he seemed to be having a blast! A quarter of his lunch was gone and he had on the same clothes that adorned him this morning, so I guess we are good!

Kaylen, I believe, can tell something is different. As we slowly tooted down the grocery store aisles not really looking for anything (just not wanting to go home,) she would holler out really loud and look around for a response. When no such echo was heard, she continued this process.
I finally hollered in Hayden's place, but I don't think it was the same to her. Oh, the look on both of their faces when he was placed next to her in the car! I'll tell you again, they are in cahoots!

My Sweet Boy! He makes me so proud. Two mornings a week, for a few small hours, will be miserable for me for a while, but I realize that he is growing, and we must fertilize that growth daily with prayer and postive attitudes.
Thanks to you all, who have said prayers and given well wishes for the well being our babies.
Sleep Well.

September 2, 2008

The Exciting Visit & The Beach

I hope everybody is having a wonderful night.

Micah came to see us last week on his journey to Texas. Jared picked him up in Austin and he came to our house for the evening. It was wonderful to see him and we enjoyed every minute. Micah (not to embarress him,) has one of those amazing, infectuous laughs that you NEVER forget, even when you hadn't heard it in a while. Well, it made my day, as well as my week to hear his awesome laugh in person. Thank you , Micah, for the laughs! The kids enjoyed using him as a play scape, and he really didn't seem to mind. He got to see how Hayden's room/ the playroom REALLY looks during the week. He waded through the toys, and made himself comfortable amidst the piles, to sit down and play. He must have been shown every toy in the vacinity. He will be given a "Hayden & Kaylen Toy Test" next time he comes to visit.....

On Thursday, we ventured to Magnolia Beach for our annual Labor Day family get together. I truly believe an amazing time was had by all. For starters, I have never seem so much food in all of my life. I am not usually an eater, but I, as well as everyone else, I observed, ate, and ate, and ate. I guess when you get a bunch of Bohemians together, all you do is consume grub. I'm not complaining! While we were there, we mingled with some of my Mom's family over a crawfish boil. I think we topped out at 30 people, which was a blast! The more the merrier! Somehow, we had enough food and room, so everyone remained comfortable and relaxed.

During our beach jaunt, we swam, and ate, rode motorcycles, took threats from Gustav, fished, visited, ate, fished for crab, searched for shells, played with cousins, got sunburned, ate, peeled shrimp, few bit by jellyfish, kayaked and simply relaxed, all while eating!

Midori, our foreign exchange student from 1986, joined us in our festivities, all the way from RIO! She had been in the states on business and decided to drive down for the weekend. What a wonderful addition! We see her every couple of years, and it was great to see her again. Every time she visits, new babies have joined the mix. I think she believes that our family explodes every few years!

Well, I'm getting to sleepy to continue. Here are some photos to commemorate our awesome and memorable trip!

Tomorrow, a special blog that I have been pondering for a while now. You'll just have to wait.....