May 20, 2008

Good Times

Hello Friends! Hope you are all having a good week. I thought I'd share some pictures of the last several weeks.

Last Saturday, we met Jared's parents at Cameron Park Zoo in Waco. What an excellent place to spend the morning. I highly recommend this zoo to anyone who loves animal like attractions. It was clean, organized, easy to get around in, and very kid friendly. There were parks within the park, picnic tables, and places to rest. If anybody is interested in visiting, let me know. I will certainly join you.

The best exhibit, by far, was the alligator. As you toured through the short "tunnel," you came upon a glass wall to your left. In the near distance lies sleeping (so you think,) an enormous alligator. So, he was not really asleep.....

He saw us and decided to visit.....

And closer.....

"Excuse me, could you pick this grass out of my teeth....."

After the zoo, we attended a graduation party for my cousin and his girlfriend in Georgetown. They have just completed their studies at Southwestern and are on their way to medical school in the next few months. We are so proud of them both! After the party, we reconvened at La Margarita in Round Rock.

Such a long, yet eventful, day.

The Marshalls


4 Generations

Pictures from the week

May 7, 2008

"On Your Mark" and a Sweet "I Do"

Last weekend, amid the unexpected chill, several of us from church set out on a 3 mile excursion entitled the Shoes For Kids 5K. We all did well and three miles, and some unmerciful hills later, we are all still alive! It was a really fun race through some older neighborhoods (there were quite a few yard sales going on, but it's hard to browse when you're running!)

The neat thing about this race was that for every participant that ran (and paid,) a child would receive a new pair of athletic shoes as to encourage health, wellness and fitness. I have always been relatively picky about what races I run because of the causes. Not every race benefits a cause that I would deem appropriate, but anything for the kids is good by me! I am certain that these proceeds will help so many kiddos in the area and that makes me happy!

Congratulations to all of our Westside Runner's Group participants! I am looking forward to training, as well as racing with you all in the future. Thank you also to our supporters! Thank you for coming out on such a chilly Saturday morning when you could have been at home, in bed.

Having run races for many years, I can tell you that there is nothing better than rounding the corner and seeing and hearing those you know hollering at you or simply smiling and clapping as you go by. To me, that's better than the finish line! Vaughn family, Jared and my Babies, Cade, thank you all so much! Now, let's recruit!

FYI! For those of you who may be interested, our very own Shane, has created the Westside Runners Group. We will be running every first and third Saturday of the month at various locations in the area, as well as running several races a year together. I am in the process of creating a blog dedicated to this awesome activity! I PROMISE that I will have it done rather soon. It will give details such as when, where, and things of that nature. Hopefully, we can recruit and bring some new runners to the surface, as well as bring veterans out of the woodwork (you know who you are.....)

I think I speak for all of us when I say, "Thank You, Shane," for making such an effort to get this going! It's been a long time coming!

Last Saturday night, By brother married the sweetest girl! Dusty, welcome to the fam! We love you and the boys, and we look forward to many wonderful years together! Hope you can tolerate us! We are many, and we are loud!

Cooper and Sara came to see us one day last week. We had the most wonderful day just talking and eating, and playing, and eating some more and talking even more! It was just like old times! We sure miss seeing you guys several days a week! It is amazing to me how quickly the Babies are growing up! When I see Cooper and Hayden together, it really makes me realize how quickly time is flying! They are so cute together, and even though they do not spend as much time together as they did, you can see an unspoken bond and closeness between them that is amazing and is hopefully forever.

Here are some pictures of the Babies from last week. You maybe wondering about the fifth picture down. Hayden was assisting me in some planting on the front porch. I had turned around for a split second, and turned back around just in time to see him bury his Woody doll (from Toy Story.) Woody is a favorite around here, and usually stays in the house. Somehow, he snuck outside while we were working that day, and ended up in his own grave. Well, he was resuscitated and revived, and still has dirt in his crevasses', but is still a favorite.

Have a good week.

May 5, 2008

The Sweetest Prayer

Tonight at dinner, my Sweet Boy said his first ever prayer all alone (with prompt.) I was so proud of him that I felt I needed to share this with all who know and love him so well.

And I quote.

"Ear Od. Thank you Mommy, Day, Daydi, Hay, Charli, Say. Mommy, Daydi, Day, Hay. Ou si, fin, sunsine, hot dog. Jes mame. Ahhmen."

Translation: "Dear God, thank you for Mommy, Daddy, Baby, Hayden, Carli, Sandy. Mommy, Daddy, Baby, Hayden. Outside, friend, sunshine, hotdog. In Jesus name, Amen."

You know, we truly should be like the little children. As he prayed, his hands were folded, his head bowed and his little brown eyes closed. He was not looking at me for guidance. He knew what he meant, and it seemed that he was certain that God knew as well. The look on his little face was so peaceful (so my eyes weren't closed.....)

This has truly been one of the sweetest moments I have ever witnessed in my life. It will forever be etched and ingrained in my memory and in my soul.

Good Night.

May 1, 2008

So Much Excitement!

Hello Strangers! It's been a long time. No, we have not moved or sold our computer, I have just simply had to put my computer time on the far back burner. It seems lately that there have been so many things to do and so many places to go. I have not forgotten about you all, I have been blogging in my mind, and finally have a little time to get it on the screen. Being a stay at home Mom does not mean we have been staying at home. We have been out and about more than normal it seems.

Going into this blog entry, I realize that I am most likely sending way more pictures than anybody cares to view, but that's the point, isn't it? Recently, we have been involved in so many exciting and wonderful activities, that I am being forced to send pictures of ALL of them!

One afternoon, I attempted to take our annual bluebonnet pictures ALONE! Don't try this with two kids. It started out pretty well, ended not so great, but none-the -less and alas, we have photos!

We took the kids to the first Round Rock Express game of the season against the New Orleans Zephyers. This just so happened to be Kaylen Rae's first baseball game. She didn't have to much to say about it, but Hayden had a ball. He danced to the music, got as close to the edge of the railing as he could, and entertained the other fans residing near us. My sister and her family also attended the game, and were able to spend the night with us afterwards. It was so wonderful to have them in our home. They are always a blast!

Happy Birthday, Sweet Sarah Ann! My niece turned six, and was thrown a fun party by her Mom and Daddy. She recieved the coolest bicycle as well as many other wonderful gifts. She, as well as the others, are growing up so fast. Spending time with them is always fun!

My Great Uncle and Aunt from Virginia made their "every couple of years" venture to Texas to see my Grandma. My aunt and uncle hosted a get together for them at their house in Port Lavaca. It was a wonderful time visiting with family and eating, eating, eating. I was able to visit with my cousin from Utah that I have not seen in probably ten years and was also able to meet her absolutely adorable baby girl.

It was enjoyable to see the younger cousins who were there get to play and have a good time. Hayden fell in love with the chickens in the chicken coop. He visited with them just like the adults were getting to visit. He never flinched and never showed fear while in the coop. I'm trying to talk Jared into building us a coop. The kids would love it. My argument is that with some of the stuff that goes on in our neighborhood, I think that nobody would even notice a few chickens....

We had a wonderful visit with Grandma & Grandpa when they came to town. They helped so much on Saturday. We were scheduled to have church pictures done, and they came along for "smile patrol." We haven't seen the pictures yet, but I'm pretty sure we were all giggling due to their hooping, hollering and jumping around behind the camera! Thank you so much Gene and Donna! Thanks for loving our Babies and for the wonderful visit.

Last weekend, Hayden had his first fishing excursion. Some family friends invited a group out to go fishing and have hot dogs in Dale, Texas. We had a wonderful time and Hayden is now a pro fisherman. Yep, he's on the circuit. Holding the bait seemed to be his favorite part (other than poking his fishing pole at dirty things sitting on the bank.....)

Here are some pictures of the kiddos from the last few weeks.

Exciting news! This week, Kaylen Rae got her hair trimmed for the first time (the mullet is fianlly gone!) Also, she sat up this evening by herself for the first time (even if it was only for a few seconds, it still counts, right?)

I hope that everybody has a wonderful weekend. For those of you involved in the race on Saturday, you'll be addicted.....

Good night, Friends.