January 23, 2009

The Bust

For those of you who remember Hayden's Lady Friend,

She's back!

January 19, 2009

Hello to everyone. I hope that you all are doing well and enjoying (for those of you in central Texas,) this nice weather we have been blessed with all of the sudden. Let's hope it continues for a little while, as some of us have already begun to get spoiled.

I absolutely love this time of year; the time between the holidays and spring. Generally, during this time of year, we stay close to home, not leaving town much. We can finally breath after the holiday rush, while planning our springtime events and activities. Between runny noses, we have been taking full advantage of the outdoors as much as we possibly can, not yet knowing what the next few months forecast may bring. We will enjoy it while we know for certain we can. Sunday afternoons have become ritual in the way of playgrounds! We try to find a new one each week and let the kids go wild. Hayden automatically finds someone his age to talk "jibber jabber" with. he loves playing with random kiddos and they seem to like him as well. I guess it's his gentle spirit. Kaylen tries out every slide backwards, seeing how far up she can get. It's funny how people young and old alike already make way for her! In her own tiny little manner, I guess, she lets folks know she's coming their way!

During the last several weeks, it seems, our house has been abuzz with so much chatter! Hayden is beginning to really talk in sentences and is getting very good at putting words together. He loves verbally labeling anything he can find and is working extra hard to slow down and focus on what it is he is trying to get across. You can tell that he is very excited and proud of himself when he knows one can understand his questions or comments. He is into anything involving baseball! Although he is still to young for an organized league, he loves to practice hitting and throwing the ball. He makes up his own bases, and runs them in stride! He still loves the movie CARS, and with much "on the edge of your seat excitement," acts like he has never seen it before, all the while, introducing each and every character by name. Hayden has discovered a new level of singing that he hasn't before known. He was singing very loudly (in church) at 9 months old, but recently , his notes have blended together rather nicely. He can sing his ABC's and "Take Me Out To The Ballgame." We are currently working on the Books of the Bible. Maybe helping him will help me remember them as well. I wish that each of you could be blessed enough to hear one of his sweet prayers. All I can say is (lump in the throat,) sincere innocence.....

Kaylen Rae is such a little lady! She still insists on wearing her coat in the house and she has found a love for baby dolls and anything that might be soft. She has a trusty blanket that rarely leaves her side. If you don't see it in pictures, it's probably not far out of the frame. She loves to carry a purse around while chanting, "Aye, Aye. Aye, Aye." She thinks a purse or bag means we are leaving. She is beginning to talk some with words such as go, NO, kitty, who's thaaaat?, Hi, bye bye, juice, hot (ot,) and sit. She can point to several body parts such as her belly button, nose, ears, mouth and eyes (all the essentials, I guess.) She thinks that clapping on command is the greatest thing ever and she is the best "BOO!"partner around.

I thought I would share with you way to many photos of the kids from the last several weeks. These are all from random places.

Those of you who know me well know that I don't normally write about politics. I do have to say, though, keep in mind our nation, as tomorrow, we endure the unknown. I guess in this time of uncertainty, all I can think of are my Babies and how they will be affected now and in the future. Thank you to those who take a stand for what you believe in. God Bless America!

"Ted Nugent for president 2012? " Anyone?

Have a good night.


January 12, 2009

Good Bye,Ole Boy! You've been a trusty sidekick for nearly nine years! Oh, the things we've found and the stories we could tell.....
Hello, Pretty Lady!

January 4, 2009

What a Wonderful Season!

Happy new Year, Friends! I hope and pray that everyone had a wonderful holiday season. Who's ready to hit the mother road full force tomorrow?

What an amazing several weeks we've had this past season. It was exciting to get to spend such a good amount of time with so many family members that we rarely are able to spend extended amounts of time with. We traveled, as many of you did as well, far south and further up north, and stayed in between some.

Santa came and blessed two sweet babies that had been really well behaved all year, one of which is already anticipating his arrival next year! Way to plan ahead, Baby!

Waiting For Santa

Thank You, WCP! Not a good experience! We will try again next year.....

Handmade with Lots of Love! Thank you, Daddy!

Party's Over!

Happy New Year!