November 17, 2008

I've Been Tagged!


Thank you, Amy, for tagging me! I always have a blast with these!
Four things I did today:
1) Played zoo with my Babies
2) Peeled potatoes
3) Took apart and cleaned both car seats
4) Addressed Christmas cards

Four things on my to do list:
1) Pack for this weekends trip
2) Make 2 loaves of bread
3) Power wash Carly & Sandy's swimming pool/water bowl
4) Hem my new slacks that are WAY to long

Four of my guiltiest pleasures:
1) Running and exercise
2) Sun, sun, sun
3) Jack cheese enchiladas covered in tomatillo sauce
4) Getting to sort and organize anything I can find

Four Random facts about me:
1) When I'm forced to go back to work, I would love to be a Dental Hygienist.
2) I LOVE bleach! I use it whenever and wherever I can. Probably to much.
3) I am a total Metal Head. 80's Metal rocks and I am a huge fan. Can't say which bands because I wouldn't have any friends left. Anyone wanna rock out?
4) I could stay on the beach for days at a time; just my swimsuit, sunburned, no shoes, no plans, grilling out. I could totally handle a deserted island.

So, now I have to tag four people.
1) Susie
2) Kim
3) Krystal
4) Ally T.

That was fun!

Per request, I will tell you a little bit about my new nephew, Marshall. He is not quite a month old yet. He is actually doing very well. We was able to come home a week ago, Sunday. I have not seen him since his homecoming due to some sickness at our house. I felt it would have been both offensive and dangerous to pass the yuck along. He has finally gained back to his birth weight (yet still wearing preemie clothes) and is eating the full amounts that the doctor requests. He looks around, wide eyed, whenever he is awake. He likes to sleep (just like his Daddy.) Mama is feeling great. She is now driving and getting around some. His two big brothers totally adore him and are getting used to having a little brother. They are excited to "show him the ropes!" Thank you, Tammy O., for the thoughts. You are always so thoughtful and full of kind words. Thank you to everyone who has lifted them up in your prayers. He still has a ways to go, but it looks like he is headed for great things! Here are a few beautiful photos of the little Prince.


November 9, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday, Kaylen Rae!

November 7, 2008
