October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween!

The Babies and I met our cousins Sara & Cooper at the pumpkin patch. This has become an annual tradition for us. We go twice every year; once with them and again with Kim. Kim, we missed you this year! Next year will be here before you know it!

This year, the scenery was a little different as the usual location was under constuction. We were placed next door, which was nice, but not by any means our regular spot. We had a wonderful time visting and watching the kiddos run and play. I have enjoyed looking at these photos and comparing them to the last two years. Man, they grow up so fast!

Sara & Cooper, we had such a wonderful time! Looking forward to next year! Talk to you soon!

Trunk 'N' Treat 2008
Daniel Boone & The Geisha

October 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Marshall!


Marshall Bradley

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

6 Lbs. 2 Ozs.

18 3/4 "

This is my Brother and Sister-in-Law's new baby boy. Please keep him in your prayers, as he has quite of a journey ahead of him. He was born today at 4.5 weeks early. Tonight, the CPAP finally came out and he is only using a nasal canula for a little bit of support. He is a tiny little fellow, but just a s beautiful as can be!

October 23, 2008

Fifteen Years Ago, They Walked Away.....

And this was how last Friday night began.

Backtrack 18 years.

I was a little 12 year old sixth grader inundated with and immersed in school, friends and family, and of course, New Kids On The Block! For my twelfth birthday I admittedly requested and surely received tickets to their concert in Austin. What an event it was! My entire family went along, as did two girlfriends that I had chosen to join us. Amber, who joined us all those years ago, was with us again last Friday evening, along with my sister Brandie, another loyal and faithful follower.

Present Time.

I still have chills almost a complete week later. I still have yet to shake the excitement and feelings that rushed through me seven short days ago (not to mention the humming still lingering in my ears!) For a brief indescribable few hours, I was a twelve year old again. Listening to the same songs, watching the same group and feeling the same excitement that only one of your favorite bands live could give you, all just upgraded, matured and 18 years later. It was an amazing feeling to wave my arms in the air out of excitement along side 13,000 other adoring fans.
While at the event, Brandie and I donned our original 1990 tour tee-shirts and buttons, and Kim adorned herself with her share of buttons as well. We all received stares and comments about our attire. People were amazed that we had saved these things all these years. Thank you, Mom, for teaching me the real beauty of being a true pack rat and for sifting through dust and years of boxes to look for, and eventually find, my loot from the olden days.
Several members of the band went on to solo careers over the last decade, in which they intertwined into their show. The members with the mousiest and squeakiest of voices back in the day, somehow gave "falsetto" a new name. With voices matured, costumes totally stylish with the times and obviously life experiences made into lyrics, the show was phenomenal. The best I've ever seen. The pyrotechnics were right on and well planned. There was actually more singing than commentary, which was nice. They truly and sincerely preformed the ENTIRE time. Mind you, commentary from these guys is welcome anytime in my book!

One of my favorite parts of the show was when one of the members began discussing how long it had been since their previous tour. He genuinely mentioned that all of us "babies" that attended the shows years ago, where now, all grown up, with husbands, jobs, kids. At that moment, it all hit home how long it had truly been. Their ballads that I grew up with, I now sing to my babies at bedtime.

A constant thought throughout the show was how many of us at that moment had been in the same room 18 years ago and didn't even know it. See, Kim was there in 1990, in the same building at the same time, and I didn't even know her. Look at us know, the closest of friends! BTW, what a girl to attend concerts with! WOW! She's a hoot. I saw a side of her the other night that I had never seen. The next concert that roles into town, oh yea- she's going. She's a blast at events such as these!

What an absolutely amazing night it was. It was an unbelievable feeling to be a part of a "reunion tour." I guess that goes along with getting old!? The music, the lights, the reminiscing, the close friends that I was able to share it all with, I hated to see it end. Even though it was an awesome time, it was so nice to be able get back to reality, but more importantly, my sleeping Babies. They are still to young for the amazing stories of the night, but when they are old enough and have the maturity to fully grasp and understand, I will reminisce. Until then, I will keep singing the tunes. By then, maybe New Kids On The Block will be touring again.

Julie and Amber, a HUGE "Thank You!" for hearing about the concert and filling us in. Also, thank you for dealing with the tickets! I knew they were safe! Your videos and picture discs are on their way to you!
And to the fellow in the stripes who "danced the night away," we have awesome footage! You should be proud! Don't tucker out so soon next time!
Good Night.

October 8, 2008

The Longest Blog- EVER!

The recent weeks have been so full of life, joy and excitement, as well as a few doses of reality buttered with change. Ladies and Gentleman, it's been a while. It seems as if lately, my weeks have become mere seconds and each moment is only a flash. I am praying that in the coming months, my sweet family and I can slow down a little bit and stay in one place for longer than day. See, we love to go and travel and see sights, but it's time to rest for a bit. Hopefully, in my relaxation process, my blogging will become more consistant.


Towards the end of September, we celebrated my Mom's "significant number" birthday with a little surprise party for her at their home in Lockhart. Dad took her out while my siblings and I set up a dinner that we had all cooked and put together. I believe that she might have even been a little surprised! Happy, happy birthday to the most elegant, classiest, gentlest and most giving lady that I have ever met. I am proud to call her my Mom and my friend!

We also traveled south to the coast to give a "happy birthday" to my sweet Grandma. She was so excited to see several of the great- grand babies that had ventured her way as well. While we were there, she had a medical mishap, which caused us to entertain a different plan than what was originally thought. We did, however, get to see some other family members that we otherwise probably would not have been able to see during our brief visit. Although a little confusion manifested, it ended up being a wonderful trip and I know that Grandma truly had a wonderful birthday! Happy Birthday, Grandma!

The sweet ladies from my parents church blessed my brother and sister-in-law with a fun baby shower for my "soon-to-arrive" nephew named Marshall! He is scheduled to join the family in late November, but from the way it seems lately, he could come sooner! During the shower, they were literally "showered" with so many fun, yet practical gifts that they will be able to put to good use here shortly. It was so good to be able to visit with many of the ladies that were hosting showers when I was little, and also hosted the showers for my babies. They always host a good time! Hopefully, after this shower, Bradley and Dusty will be set for Marshall's impending arrival.

After the baby shower, I traveled down to Fentress, Texas to do some photography work on the river. I was given a photography request by somebody close for a special project in the works. While I was in the area, I also traveled to the Luling Dam in Luling, Texas. It was exciting to go back to several places that I had not viewed since my high school days. I enjoyed taking pictures of these natural wonders and hope to possibly see a few of them out and about in the following months. We will see.....

While I was in town, my Mom (who was with me) drove me past her and my father's first house they ever bought. How cute! She explained which room was behind each window, and where the shelves were that she built all by herself. "Crooked," she said, "but usable!" She showed me the fire pit that my Dad built in the yard! She talked about what was the same, and what had changed. It was fascinating to see the twinkle in her eye as she thought back in time to all those years ago.....


My baby is walking! Last Saturday morning, the Babies and I were in the living room, simply enjoying our time together, and Kaylen stood up by herself (which she is really good at,) and slowly walked my way! Five "old lady like" steps later, she had journeyed all the way into my lap! Now, it seems, she has realized that she is somewhat more mobile than she was a week ago, and she is taking FULL advantage! It won't be long before she is running all over the place! I'm sure that Hayden can't wait, so that he can have another individaul to chase after other than our dogs! Hayden enjoys standing in front of her and putting out his hands while saying, "Come here, Baby!" Sweet Boy, she is headed your way! Get ready!

A Few Pics of the Babies

Anyone remember the purple kitchen? NO MORE! YEA! This is how I spent my nights while Jared was away at the Dunes last weekend.....

Several of you have asked me to write about my Tuesday experience. It's just to soon. I apologize. I will save that for another day, as it is a complete book in itself and I'm still to emotional about it. Just a few words about it- Hayden locked me out as I stepped out on my porch the other day, I had two pots of boiling water on the back of the stove with two Babies alone in my house for fifteen minutes. Cops came, I scaled an eight foot privacy fence six times. My back door is completely busted in by a steel toe boot. I am black and blue from my hip to my ankle, elbow possibly cracked, finger swollen, bottoms of feet are raw. Chairs, water sprinklers, hammers, used to break my windows- THEY DON"Y BREAK! Neighbors came in flocks. You learn who your true friends are. Bottom line, My Babies are safe and sound. Tami, Mike, Helen, Ruth-Thank you to all who helped out! I could not live without you guys. WHEW!

Have a wonderful weekend (and everyone, please get a spare key somewhere in your yard!)
