February 11, 2009

I See Green!

Hello To All!

I hope you are all finding time to enjoy whatever season we (especially here in central Texas) are currently experiencing. I pray that some of you are noticing the small amounts of green poking through the Earth. Isn't it beautiful? We have recieved some showers here lately that have really brought the ground from drab to springlike.

As of late, we have been pretending that Spring has already hit and we have adjusted our plans accordingly. The mounds of toys that daily adorn my floors are beginning to be moved outside for the summer. The selected favorites will join us in the yard until next fall. See, I wholeheartedly believe that if the sun is shining, you should be under it. Even as early as it still is in the season, my babies are already beginning to gain the "pink cheeks" of summer. Yes, I use sunscreen on them, but after a long and cold winter (not even a mild chill for some of you,) Sunshine is a must!

The recent weeks have brought many days of play with friends. We have joined in play with the likes of Cooper, Emma, Jenna, Tami's kids, Bella, just to name a few. At the Babies ages, I feel it is wonderful and educational for them to interact as much as they can with others. It is amazing to watch them both with other children. It is fasinating to see the likes and differences in their personalities and how they treat others. Next time you come to plan, keep an eye on Hayden. I have noticed here of late that he rarely takes his eyes off of Kaylen Rae. Even during his most in depth play with others, he seems to know exactly where she is, who is around her and what she is involving herself in. I truly believe that he becoming more and more protective of her. Since day one, he has kept her close, but as of late, he wants nothing more than to be her friend and companion. I've rarely seen a friendship blossom so beautifully.

Kaylen Rae has become quite the acrobat. Next Christmas, maybe Santa will bring her a trapeze of some sort. The only word I can find to describe her is fearless! The child knows no boundries. I sometimes stop, watch, and wonder if she knows that Hayden is watching closely to their surroundings and making certain that all will be well for her. Possibly she leans on him and waits for his silent "it's alright; go ahead" between them. Oh, they are lovely together and I am so proud of them as a team as well as individually.

I wondered if, when choosing pictures for this entry, I would have to many pictures to process. There is a limit, I hear; but I guess I didn't exceed it this time. It is so hard to choose photos, so I simply chose way to many! Easiest route, by far! Here are several of the Babies from the events of recent weeks.

I was thrown a surprise dinner with Jared, the Babies, Jeff & Kim at the new Monument Cafe in Georgetown. Excellent in every aspect! They have done such an amazing job reconstructing the new one to resemble the old one, that I felt like I was in the old location, just with more space between the tables! What a wonderful birthday it was! The best one yet. I hope this entire year is as wonderful as my 31st year has been so far!
Well, we registered Hayden for another year of preschool. When he returns in the fall, he will attend Tuesday and Thursday mornings instead of our current schedule. I have a feeling that our new schedule will work out much better, timewise. Thank goodness, he will be attending class with his "boys!" Yea! Four little boys that were practically born together and have attended Bible class together since the first time each of them were introduced to Cradle Roll. These four have shared a class this past year and from what I hear, are quite the team!These four are a sight to see and I pray that their friendship continues throughout the remainder of their sweet lives.
We took Kaylen Rae to the doctor this week for her fifteen month checkup! What a positive checkup it was! My sweet baby is growing up way to fast! She weighed in at a mighty 22lbs and is 33.5 inches in height. She, as is her brother, is tall for her age. Ballerina, maybe? Her, not him. Maybe he will be a swimmer, or a runner. Oh, the hopes and dreams we parents have for our young ones! Let's get through tomorrow first.
I hope you all have a good night and a fulfilling rest of the week.

February 2, 2009

I Hear Wedding Bells!

Courtney & Eric!

We are so happy for you both! Courtney, welcome to the family! We are so excited that you are now a