December 31, 2008


December 8, 2008

Food, Food, Everywhere!

Hello! I hope that everybody can feel the Holiday spirit in the air and all around. For those of you in central Texas, what about this wind? I thought for a moment today that I could use Kaylen Rae as a kite. She was literally being pushed down the driveway by the force of the wind. She is so tiny and weighs so little, that it occurred to me," If I tied a string to her, she would be a kite!" She would love it, I would feel bad.

Several weekends ago, the Lover and I were treated to an awesome weekend in Dallas due to his Chairman's Club status at work. There was a group of about twenty of us that went. We were put up in the Hilton and we ate more food than I ever thought existed in this world. We ate at the likes of Gloria's (Salvadorian food,) Blue Mesa, and Chamberlain's Steak & Chop House. Let's just say for the record that at Chamberlain's I had to excuse myself at one time. I had forgotten how much I do not eat these days, and I had failed to pace myself. I have never seen such amazing spreads and varieties of eatables. I guess going out with a group of food service people has it's advantages.....

We spent Saturday afternoon with Luke and Amy. They live in the vicinity and decided to join us for a few hours. It was wonderful to see them, as we don't see them as often as we would like to. They are doing great and we can't wait to spend more time with them at Christmas.

On Sunday we attended the Dallas Cowboys vs. San Fransisco 49ers game. Of course, Dallas won. It has been years since I attended a Cowboy's game. We had a good time watching the game and the goofy people around us. The fans were ruthless, which made it so much fun! When we returned home, Hayden enjoyed the videos of "Belly buttons" that we took. This is what he calls the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders.

We had an excellent weekend. It was relaxing and slow, but I missed my babies. It was nice to see them again. Any trip is great but it's not fun going with a huge hole in your heart and a lump in your throat because your Babies aren't with you. They seemed to be all Jared and I talked about the whole time.

When we came home, I was graced with a massage given to me by Jared and the babies. I was expecting, well, I don't know what. I had a massage before but this experience was unlike any I had ever endured. So, here I am waiting and out walks this beast of a man who HAD to be no less than 7 feet tall and easily 350 lbs. (He made Jared look like a toddler.) He donned a white "mental hospital" suit. I began to wonder what I had gotten myself into.....

I now know what a deep tissue massage is all about. An hour later, I literally could not move. It was amazing, the gentleman never spoke above a whisper and was the kindest masseuse ever. Only problem, he was like a caveman! I never knew that elbows could fit under shoulder blades, and with such grace. Yea, figure that one out. He truly was amazing and knew exactly what he was doing. If any of you are looking for a good deep tissue massage, let me know. I have several of his cards and I highly recommend him. I was sore for several days afterwards, but he managed to dissolve my knots (in which he said that I had the most he had ever seen.)

Jared was kind enough and brave enough to take me the shooting range while the kids were with their Grandparents. He let me shoot his Beretta 92 9MM and his Smith & Wesson M&P 9MM. SOOO addicting! I want to go again, like now. I've been out shooting before, but it's been several years and not in a range. Somehow, I managed to shoot the clothespin in half, therefore loosing one of my targets. Jared let me hang my other target in the garage. What a rush! Anyone interested in going? Let me know.

Thanksgiving was an amazing time spent at Mom & Dad's house with my siblings and their families and with some of my Mom's family. Once again, an over abundance of food graced us, but there were enough people and good conversations around to divert my attention elsewhere.

Thanks to Susie for taking such unbelievable photos while we were there! Several of these are hers. See if you can tell the difference. Isn't she amazing? I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.

I pray that everyone has a great rest of the week. Stay warm.

November 17, 2008

I've Been Tagged!


Thank you, Amy, for tagging me! I always have a blast with these!
Four things I did today:
1) Played zoo with my Babies
2) Peeled potatoes
3) Took apart and cleaned both car seats
4) Addressed Christmas cards

Four things on my to do list:
1) Pack for this weekends trip
2) Make 2 loaves of bread
3) Power wash Carly & Sandy's swimming pool/water bowl
4) Hem my new slacks that are WAY to long

Four of my guiltiest pleasures:
1) Running and exercise
2) Sun, sun, sun
3) Jack cheese enchiladas covered in tomatillo sauce
4) Getting to sort and organize anything I can find

Four Random facts about me:
1) When I'm forced to go back to work, I would love to be a Dental Hygienist.
2) I LOVE bleach! I use it whenever and wherever I can. Probably to much.
3) I am a total Metal Head. 80's Metal rocks and I am a huge fan. Can't say which bands because I wouldn't have any friends left. Anyone wanna rock out?
4) I could stay on the beach for days at a time; just my swimsuit, sunburned, no shoes, no plans, grilling out. I could totally handle a deserted island.

So, now I have to tag four people.
1) Susie
2) Kim
3) Krystal
4) Ally T.

That was fun!

Per request, I will tell you a little bit about my new nephew, Marshall. He is not quite a month old yet. He is actually doing very well. We was able to come home a week ago, Sunday. I have not seen him since his homecoming due to some sickness at our house. I felt it would have been both offensive and dangerous to pass the yuck along. He has finally gained back to his birth weight (yet still wearing preemie clothes) and is eating the full amounts that the doctor requests. He looks around, wide eyed, whenever he is awake. He likes to sleep (just like his Daddy.) Mama is feeling great. She is now driving and getting around some. His two big brothers totally adore him and are getting used to having a little brother. They are excited to "show him the ropes!" Thank you, Tammy O., for the thoughts. You are always so thoughtful and full of kind words. Thank you to everyone who has lifted them up in your prayers. He still has a ways to go, but it looks like he is headed for great things! Here are a few beautiful photos of the little Prince.


November 9, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday, Kaylen Rae!

November 7, 2008


October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween!

The Babies and I met our cousins Sara & Cooper at the pumpkin patch. This has become an annual tradition for us. We go twice every year; once with them and again with Kim. Kim, we missed you this year! Next year will be here before you know it!

This year, the scenery was a little different as the usual location was under constuction. We were placed next door, which was nice, but not by any means our regular spot. We had a wonderful time visting and watching the kiddos run and play. I have enjoyed looking at these photos and comparing them to the last two years. Man, they grow up so fast!

Sara & Cooper, we had such a wonderful time! Looking forward to next year! Talk to you soon!

Trunk 'N' Treat 2008
Daniel Boone & The Geisha