January 31, 2008

Good Times

The other night as I was going through some old pictures, I found some "blackmail" that I thought was funny. Because of the somewhat nastalgic and numeric signifigance of this weekend, I thought I would share just a few with you. Have a wonderful weekend!
1999-Abilene, Texas
1999- Parramore Party

1999- Spring Break- South Padre Island, Texas

2003- Port Aransas, Texas

January 28, 2008

Good Morning!

After several requests from friends, I switched my first song back to the Cheers Theme.

Does anyone else find the Free Credit Report commercials absolutely hilarious!? Watch the blond guitar player. His expressions are priceless! I'm not a huge TV watcher, but it's about time that they come up with some funny commercials that make sense!

Have a good day, and for those of you in central Texas, watch that fog!

January 22, 2008

Another Fashion Show.....

Kaylen's complimentary ACU tee-shirt arrived today, so I thought I would continue the fashion show. I guess Hayden remembered his photo shoot from when he got his shirt, so he opted out early today. At least Kaylen didn't realize what was going on.

January 21, 2008

The Weekend

Earlier today, as I was going through the kids closets, I remembered that we had quite a bit of ACU paraphernalia laying around. I decided to decorate my children for fun. For those of you thinking I have to much time on my hands, I guess your right.
This past weekend was exciting in many facets. While "My Boys" were out of town, Kaylen and I spent some quality time with family, went on several shopping excursions and attended the final swim meet of the season at Southwestern University in Georgetown. Go Pirates!
My cousin Kyle, is a swimmer on their team, and has enjoyed is underwater career for several years. Being a senior, he was awarded a collage plauqe as well as a photo album filled with pictures spanning his time on the team. We are very proud of him and Brytanie for all of their endeavors as they make their way to medical school this summer. Way to go Kyle & Brytanie! It was nice to see my aunt and uncle, Stanley & Susie, as they had come for the meet. They are always a joy to be around, and they love our children as if they were their own. With them, it's always a good time with good conversation! See you again soon, guys! We love you. I'll send pictures of the meet to you soon.

Sunday was a day of anticipation for the arrival of "My Boys." I missed them so much and couldn't wait for their return. Larry, Judy, Kimberly, Jeff & Adam kept us company Sunday during lunch. Thank you for the wonderful meal and conversations! I hated to see it end, but the boys were on the way! They made it home safe and sound!

Have a good afternoon and stay dry and warm.

January 17, 2008

Two Months of Excitement

I cannot begin to tell you the number of events that have happened in my life since my first post back in November. The most exciting being the birth of our beautiful daughter, Kaylen Rae Senter. After anticipation and one false alarm, she entered the world at 7:39 AM on November 09, 2007 weighing in at 7 lbs. 2 oz. and measuring 20 inches long. She arrived with a full head of dark hair and screaming before she actually made her debut. Since then, she has become a blue eyed, smiling, talkative "bundle of chub." She is an excellent eater and sleeper and we could not ask for a better baby. I never thought, and strongly hate to admit it, but she is forcing me into liking the color pink. I have realized that with a baby girl, there is no avoiding it, and she just looks so darn pretty in it.

Hayden Samuel is an awesome big brother and loves to help out where and when he can. Not one time has jealousy become an issue. He is such a well grounded and smart little guy. We did not foresee any problems and we are happy that he is so content. Never in his short little life has he looked bigger than he does now. The saying is true that with two children, time really does go by twice as fast.
For the last several days, we have began the project of potty training. I am proud to say that after two days, he just about has it mastered, SERIOUSLY! Please keep us in your prayers. No, really. I never realized how tiring something of this caliber could be. It's constantly on my mind, and I am NOT giving up. I guess this is when my stubbornness and competitive nature are a good thing. He is stubborn and hardheaded also, so at this point, we are working well together. Let's hope it doesn't backfire!

There have been many other events since November, including several deaths, a few every exciting births (One being less than an hour after Kaylen Rae,) as well as some extended family trials that have made us stronger as individuals as well as a family unit. Throughout my blogging, family will be mentioned quite often. Those of you who know us know that our family and friends are by far the most important thing in our lives. Jared and I combined have a large, very close knit family as well as close friends that we consider family. Part of my reasoning for beginning a blog is to keep those who are close to us, yet far away in distance aware of the events in our lives and to watch the growth of our beautiful children. I hope that you all have an eventful and safe weekend. I hope to see as many of you as I can.
Kimberly, it's time for Operation Cattle Call.....



I've always heard horror stories about leaving kids alone for even just one second. If this is the worst that happens, then we will be alright.